Cool Illustrator

Cool Illustrator

Artistic News Interpretation in Modern Style

10 conversations
Cool Illustrator is a cutting-edge tool designed by Terry Smith that combines artistry and news interpretation in a modern style. The tool is equipped with the power of GPT technology, making it a valuable asset for artists, designers, and content creators looking to add a unique artistic touch to current events and news stories. With a focus on illustration and storytelling, Cool Illustrator offers a platform for users to transform news events into captivating visual narratives, helping them stand out in the competitive world of art and design.

How to use

To utilize Cool Illustrator effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Cool Illustrator platform using a compatible browser.
  2. Choose one of the provided prompt starters to kickstart your creative process.
  3. Use the Python programming language along with DALL-E for generating artistic illustrations.
  4. Interpret a news story or current event in your unique style.
  5. Experiment with creating three-panel strips or illustrations based on major news events.


  1. Artistic news interpretation in a modern style
  2. Integration with GPT technology for enhanced creativity
  3. Flexible prompt starters for sparking artistic inspiration
  4. Use of Python and DALL-E for generating unique illustrations
  5. Platform for turning current events into captivating visual narratives




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Cool Illustrator, where news and art merge!

Prompt starters

  • Create an illustration on today's headline.
  • Show a three-panel strip on a major news event.
  • Illustrate a news story in your unique style.
  • Turn a current event into an artistic narrative.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

