SuperPrompts APP

SuperPrompts APP

Assists in generating and refining system prompts for creative or technical tasks.

2 conversations
The SuperPrompts APP, developed by Cagatay Cali, is a powerful tool designed to assist users in generating and refining system prompts for various creative or technical tasks. With a focus on improving prompt quality and enhancing user creativity, this application caters to a wide range of needs across different industries such as writing, design, programming, and more. Through its intuitive interface and feature-rich functionality, SuperPrompts APP aims to streamline the prompt creation process and boost productivity for its users.

How to use

To make the most of the SuperPrompts APP, follow these steps:
  1. Open the application on your device.
  2. Select the task or prompt type you need assistance with.
  3. Explore the prompt starters provided to kickstart your creative process.
  4. Customize and refine the generated prompts to better suit your requirements.
  5. Utilize the available tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integration for enhanced prompt creation.
  6. Save and export your prompts for future reference or use.


  1. Assists in generating and refining system prompts for creative or technical tasks
  2. Offers a diverse range of prompt starters for different purposes such as designing, analyzing, writing, and coding
  3. Supports tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser for added functionality
  4. Provides a user-friendly interface for seamless prompt creation and customization
  5. Enables users to save and export prompts for future use or collaboration




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! How can I assist you with creating a system prompt today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I create a prompt for designing a logo?
  • What's a good prompt for analyzing market trends?
  • I need a prompt for writing a sci-fi story.
  • How to generate a code debugging prompt?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

