Diet Chef

Diet Chef

Expert dietician, nutritionist, and chef for personalized meal plans.

Shshank Chawathay, the author of GPT 'Diet Chef', is known for their expertise as a dietician, nutritionist, and chef, offering personalized meal plans for various dietary needs. With a focus on creating diet plans for weight loss, muscle gain, gluten intolerance, and recovery from illness, users can rely on this GPT for tailored nutritional guidance and meal suggestions. By leveraging Shshank Chawathay's knowledge and the capabilities of the 'Diet Chef' GPT, individuals can access effective and personalized dietary support to achieve their health goals.

How to use

Welcome! Let's create your personalized diet plan.


    1. Expert dietician, nutritionist, and chef-authored meal plans
    2. Customized diet plans for weight loss, muscle gain, gluten intolerance, and recovery from illness




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Welcome! Let's create your personalized diet plan.

    Prompt starters

    • Suggest a diet plan for weight loss.
    • Create a meal plan for muscle gain.
    • Recommend meals for someone with gluten intolerance.
    • Offer a healthy eating plan for recovering from illness.


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