Pool Buddy

Pool Buddy

Your go-to pool care advisor powered by knowledge from a pool professional with 20+ years of experience

6 conversations
Pool Buddy is an innovative tool designed by Kunal Das, a seasoned pool professional with over 20 years of experience. It provides valuable insights and guidance on pool care, offering solutions to common issues such as pH balancing, pool filter problems, algae cleaning, chlorine level maintenance, and salt cell management. With an extensive knowledge base and practical advice, Pool Buddy serves as your go-to resource for all your pool maintenance needs.

How to use

Welcome to Pool Care Pro! How can I assist you today?
  1. Ask Pool Buddy about topics such as pH balancing, pool filter maintenance, algae cleaning, chlorine levels, or salt cell basics.
  2. Receive expert advice and guidance on pool care from Kunal Das.
  3. Utilize the tools dalle and browser for enhanced assistance.


  1. Expert advice on pool care provided by Kunal Das
  2. Comprehensive information on pH balancing, pool filter maintenance, algae cleaning, chlorine levels, and salt cell basics
  3. Prompt starters for initiating discussions on pool care topics
  4. Tools integration with dalle and browser for enhanced user experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Pool Care Pro! How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • How do I balance pH?
  • Pool filter issue
  • Cleaning pool algae
  • Chlorine level advice
  • Salt Cell basics


  • dalle
  • browser

