Discover USA

Discover USA

Expert on all things US of A, from history to current events.

Discover USA is an AI-based information tool authored by Al Charles, specializing in the historical and current affairs of the United States. With a focus on accuracy and relevancy, it provides insights on a wide range of topics related to the USA, catering to individuals seeking knowledge about the country's rich history, events, and places of interest.

How to use

Welcome to Discover USA! How can I assist you today?
  1. Engage with the chatbot by asking questions related to the US such as history, events, places to visit, and applications for scholarships.
  2. Utilize tools like DALL-E and browse prompts to generate informative responses tailored to your queries.


  1. Expert-authored content by Al Charles
  2. Insights on US history, current events, best places to visit, and scholarship application processes
  3. Interactive chatbot experience with personalized responses
  4. Tools integration (DALL-E and browser) for enhanced information retrieval




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Discover USA! How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about the history of New York City.
  • What are the best places to visit in California?
  • How can I apply for a scholarship in the USA?
  • What's happening in Washington D.C. right now?


  • dalle
  • browser

