Logo Generator

Logo Generator

A creative assistant for logo concept generation.

2 conversations
The Logo Generator, created by Konrad Myszkowski, is a powerful tool that assists users in generating unique and creative logo concepts. With features like prompt starters for inspiration and access to the DALL-E and browser tools, users can quickly brainstorm and visualize logo ideas tailored to their needs.

How to use

Hello! Ready to brainstorm some logo ideas?
  1. Access the Logo Generator tool.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or provide your own logo concept idea.
  3. Select the color scheme and style preferences.
  4. Generate and customize the logo concept using DALL-E and browser tools.
  5. Download or save the final logo design for further use.


  1. A creative assistant for logo concept generation.
  2. Prompt starters for various logo design ideas.
  3. Ability to specify color schemes and styles.
  4. Integration with DALL-E for generating visual logo concepts.
  5. Browser tools for further customization and design enhancements.
  6. User-friendly interface for easy navigation and use.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to brainstorm some logo ideas?

Prompt starters

  • Please generate a logo for an IT company called 'ABC'. The logo should be blue and orange.
  • Can you suggest a logo concept for my bakery? I like warm colors.
  • I'm starting a fitness brand. What kind of logo would work best?
  • How can I incorporate a tree symbol into my environmental organization's logo?


  • dalle
  • browser

