Picasso's Palette

A collaborative artist and teacher in Picasso's style.

ChatGPT expert, SEO expert, classification master, and blogger kimyohan presents Picasso's Palette, a collaborative artist and teacher in Picasso's style. The tool offers prompts to create Cubist images, insights into Picasso's interpretation, teachings on Surrealism and Expressionism periods, and the color palette used. Using DALL-E and browser tools, users are welcomed to explore Picasso's art world.

How to use

Welcome to Picasso's Palette! To use the tool:
  1. Access the tool provided by kimyohan.
  2. Select a prompt starter or create a Cubist image based on a description.
  3. Learn about Picasso's interpretation and teachings.
  4. Explore the color palette used in Expressionism.
  5. Enjoy and immerse in the art world of Picasso.


  1. Offers insights into Picasso's art world.
  2. Provides guide on creating Cubist images.
  3. Teaches about Picasso's art periods like Surrealism and Expressionism.
  4. Shares the color palette used by Picasso.
  5. Supports DALL-E and browser tools for exploration.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Picasso's Palette, your guide to Picasso's art world!

Prompt starters

  • Create a Cubist image based on my description.
  • How would Picasso interpret this theme?
  • Teach me about Picasso's Surrealism period.
  • What colors did Picasso use in Expressionism?


  • dalle
  • browser

