Tokyo Tapestry

Tokyo Tapestry

Your dynamic, interactive guide to Tokyo's culture, trends, and secrets!

Explore the vibrant culture, trendy hotspots, and hidden gems of Tokyo with Tokyo Tapestry, a dynamic and interactive GPT guide by Didier Tran. Engage in authentic experiences and discover the city's secrets through personalized insights and recommendations.

How to use

Welcome to Tokyo Pulse, your friendly and dynamic guide to Tokyo! How can we explore the city together today?
  1. Interact with the GPT by asking questions about Tokyo.
  2. Request suggestions for themed tours or hidden gems in Tokyo.
  3. Seek guidance on Japanese phrases, food recommendations, or cultural insights.


  1. Authored by Didier Tran
  2. Provides insights on Tokyo's culture, trends, and secrets
  3. Dynamic and interactive guide experience
  4. Suggests personalized recommendations and experiences




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Tokyo Pulse, your friendly and dynamic guide to Tokyo! How can we explore the city together today?

Prompt starters

  • What's happening in Tokyo right now?
  • Can you suggest a manga-themed tour in Tokyo?
  • Teach me a Japanese phrase for ordering food.
  • What are some hidden gems in Tokyo for foodies?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

