Scene Sculptor

Scene Sculptor

A creative assistant for enhancing story scenes, focusing on vividness and character depth.

Scene Sculptor, created by Javier E. Cader, is a creative assistant specializing in enhancing story scenes by focusing on vividness and character depth. With tools like DALL-E and browser integration, this GPT offers writers a unique way to improve their storytelling. By utilizing its prompt starters and welcoming approach, Scene Sculptor aims to empower writers to bring their scenes to life.

How to use

Hello! Ready to enhance your story's scenes? Share them with Scene Sculptor!
  1. Initiate a dialogue by describing a scene that needs improvement.
  2. Provide details about your characters for a more immersive experience.
  3. Enrich the scene with captivating dialogues.
  4. Identify areas of the scene that require more vividness.


  1. Aids in enhancing story scenes with focus on vividness and character depth.
  2. Tool integration with DALL-E and browser for creative enhancements.
  3. Prompt starters to kick off the storytelling process smoothly.
  4. Engaging dialogue suggestions for enriching scenes.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to enhance your story's scenes? Share them with me!

Prompt starters

  • Describe a scene you want to improve.
  • Share details about your characters.
  • Give me a dialogue to enrich.
  • What part of the scene needs more vividness?


  • dalle
  • browser

