Trade Engineer

Trade Engineer

Conversational, in-depth TradingView script guidance.

1 conversations
Trade Engineer is a conversational and in-depth TradingView script guidance tool created by the author Bijan Sirleaf. This GPT provides valuable insights and explanations related to day trading strategies, Fibonacci approaches, EMA application in short-term trades, and tips for backtesting in volatile conditions. It is a valuable resource for traders looking to enhance their trading skills and make informed decisions within the financial markets.

How to use

Let's chat about your TradingView indicator needs!
  1. Initiate a conversation with Trade Engineer.
  2. Ask questions related to RSI, Fibonacci, EMA, or backtesting in the financial markets.
  3. Engage in a dialogue to receive detailed and informative responses tailored to your trading inquiries.


  1. Conversational guidance on TradingView scripts
  2. In-depth explanations of trading concepts
  3. Customized responses based on user queries
  4. Insights on day trading strategies, Fibonacci approaches, EMA application, and backtesting tips




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's chat about your TradingView indicator needs!

Prompt starters

  • Can you explain RSI for day trading in simple terms?
  • What's the best Fibonacci approach for active weeks?
  • How do I apply EMA in a short-term trade?
  • Tips for backtesting in volatile conditions?

