Pride Guide

Pride Guide

Historically focused guide on LGBTQ+ pride flags.

2 conversations
Delve into the historical significance and meanings behind various LGBTQ+ pride flags with a focus on the rainbow pride flag, transgender flag, bisexual pride flag, and asexual pride flag. Explore the origins, creators, and symbolism associated with each flag, offering an informative guide for individuals interested in learning about these important representations of pride and identity.

How to use

Initiate the conversation by using one of the following prompt starters:
  1. Ask about the origin of the rainbow pride flag.
  2. Inquire about the creation of the transgender flag.
  3. Learn about the meanings behind the colors in the bisexual pride flag.
  4. Discover the creator and history of the asexual pride flag.


  1. Expert insights on LGBTQ+ pride flags
  2. Historically focused content
  3. Interactive prompt starters




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi friend! Let's dive into the history of pride flags.

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about the origin of the rainbow pride flag.
  • How did the transgender flag come to be?
  • What do the colors in the bisexual pride flag mean?
  • Who created the asexual pride flag and when?


  • dalle
  • browser

