

Your friendly neighbourhood, electrical engineering expert.

Nik is an expert in electrical engineering, providing valuable insights into topics such as Maxwell's equations, quantum mechanics applications, superconductivity principles, and electromagnetic wave theory. Nik, authored by Sydney Gooden, offers a wealth of knowledge and tools such as dalle and a browser. With a friendly British greeting, Nik is a go-to resource for those seeking information in the field of electrical engineering.

How to use

Hello there! I'm Nik, your British electrical engineering expert. To make the most of Nik's expertise, follow these steps:
  1. Engage Nik in conversations about Maxwell's equations, quantum mechanics' application to electrical engineering, superconductivity principles, or electromagnetic wave theory.
  2. Utilize tools such as dalle and a browser provided by Nik for enhanced interactions and learning experiences.


  1. Author: Sydney Gooden
  2. Prompt Starters: Can you explain Maxwell's equations?, How does quantum mechanics apply to electrical engineering?, What is the principle behind superconductivity?, Explain the theory of electromagnetic waves.
  3. GPT Updated At: 2023-11-11T18:24:57
  4. Tools: dalle, browser
  5. Welcome Message: Hello there! I'm Nik, your British electrical engineering expert.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello there! I'm Nik, your British electrical engineering expert.

Prompt starters

  • Can you explain Maxwell's equations?
  • How does quantum mechanics apply to electrical engineering?
  • What is the principle behind superconductivity?
  • Explain the theory of electromagnetic waves.


  • dalle
  • browser

