Gere um Regex (Expressão Regular)

Gere um Regex (Expressão Regular)

Descreva sua necessidade e receba uma Expressão Regular pronta e otimizada, além de uma explicação detalhada sobre a expressão gerada, um exemplo de implementação na linguagem de programação que desejar e mais

ChatGPT expert Marcelo G A Marques is an experienced SEO expert and classification master who excels in creating optimized regular expressions. The GPT tool generates optimized regular expressions, explains the generated expression, provides implementation examples in the selected programming language, and more, tailored to the user's specific requirements. This tool streamlines the process of regex creation, offering a comprehensive solution for users seeking precise pattern matching in their projects.

How to use

Utilize the Marcelo G A Marques ChatGPT expert tool as follows:
  1. Describe your specific needs for an optimized regular expression.
  2. Receive a ready-to-use and optimized regular expression.
  3. Gain a detailed explanation of the generated expression.
  4. Implement the expression in your desired programming language.
  5. Explore additional functionalities offered by the tool.


  1. Optimized regular expression generation
  2. Detailed explanation of the generated expression
  3. Implementation examples in the desired programming language
  4. Utilizes tools like dalle and browser for enhanced functionality
  5. Expert guidance tailored to user requirements




English (English)


  • dalle
  • browser

