My Nutritionist

My Nutritionist

AI assistant designed to provide personalized nutrition advice and healthy eating tips

1 conversations
My Nutritionist is an AI assistant developed by that offers personalized nutrition advice and healthy eating tips. Users can seek guidance on creating a healthy meal plan for weight loss, improving athletic performance, discovering nutritious vegan protein sources, or obtaining detailed information about a specific product. With up-to-date GPT technology, My Nutritionist aims to revolutionize the way individuals approach nutrition and wellness.

How to use

To utilize My Nutritionist effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform via the provided website or application.
  2. Choose from the prompt starters or input your specific query related to nutrition.
  3. Receive personalized nutrition advice and recommendations based on your input.
  4. Interact with the AI assistant to seek further clarification or details.
  5. Explore the tools available, such as DALL-E and browser integration, for enhanced assistance.


  1. Personalized nutrition advice
  2. Healthy eating tips
  3. Meal planning for weight loss
  4. Athletic performance improvement tips
  5. Nutritious vegan protein sources
  6. Product information details




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • I want a healthy meal plan for weight loss
  • How can I adjust my diet to improve my athletic performance?
  • What are some nutritious vegan protein sources?
  • Tell me detailed information about a product


  • dalle
  • browser

