Money Mentor

Money Mentor

Financial advisor offering practical budgeting and investment guidance.

The Money Mentor GPT, authored by Edward Choi, is a financial advisor bot designed to provide practical budgeting and investment guidance. Offering insights on saving money, debt payoff strategies, stock investing, and retirement planning, this tool serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking financial advice.

How to use

To utilize the Money Mentor GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the bot by using prompt starters like 'How can I save more money each month?'
  2. Interact with the tool to seek guidance on budgeting, debt management, stock investments, and retirement planning
  3. Utilize the tools provided, such as dalle and browser, for enhanced functionality


  1. Author: Edward Choi
  2. Welcome message: 'Hello! I'm here to help with your financial questions.'
  3. Tools: dalle, browser
  4. Prompt starters: Provides questions related to saving money, paying off debt, investing in stocks, and retirement planning




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help with your financial questions.

Prompt starters

  • How can I save more money each month?
  • What's a good strategy for paying off debt?
  • Is investing in stocks a good idea for me?
  • How should I plan for retirement?


  • dalle
  • browser

