Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Find the opening hours of any business or restaurant. Give me name and location (street, area or city)

6 conversations
The Opening Hours GPT by Fivefour is a useful tool for quickly finding the operating hours of businesses and restaurants. By engaging with this tool, users can easily access information such as when a specific store or establishment opens and closes in a given location. Incorporating keywords related to the tool's functionality, such as business hours, opening times, and operating hours, can enhance SEO performance by attracting users seeking such information.

How to use

To use the Opening Hours tool effectively:
  1. Access the tool via browser.
  2. Provide the name and location (street, area, or city) of the business or restaurant you want to inquire about.
  3. Ask the tool for the opening hours of the desired establishment.


  1. Efficiently find opening hours of businesses and restaurants.
  2. Offers convenience in accessing operating times based on location and name input.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Need to know when a place opens? Just ask!

Prompt starters

  • Starbucks, Victoria St, London
  • Is the Louvre Museum in Paris open today?
  • What are the opening hours for Steve Madden in Miami Beach?
  • Can you find the hours for Safeway John St, Seattle?


  • browser

