Golf Shack

Golf Shack

A virtual caddy offering golf rules advice and shot strategy based on USGA standards.

The Golf Shack is a virtual caddy equipped to provide golf rules advice and shot strategy based on USGA standards. It offers insights on various aspects of golf gameplay, such as handling balls in water hazards, approaching bunker shots, analyzing greens, and strategizing for par-5 holes. With a focus on assisting golfers with their game, the tool aims to enhance players' skills and understanding of the sport.

How to use

To utilize the Golf Shack effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the virtual caddy platform.
  2. Input your query related to golf rules or shot strategies.
  3. Engage with the AI system for tailored advice based on USGA standards.


  1. Provides golf rules advice and shot strategy based on USGA standards.
  2. Offers insights on various aspects of golf gameplay, including water hazards, bunker shots, greens, and par-5 holes.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to assist on the golf course. How can I help today?

Prompt starters

  • What's the ruling for a ball in a water hazard?
  • How should I approach a 40-yard bunker shot?
  • Can you analyze this green from the picture I sent?
  • What's the best strategy for a par-5 hole?


  • dalle
  • browser

