Market Sage

Market Sage

Real-time informed investment advisor with web integration

4 conversations
Market Sage, authored by ZINING XIE, is a real-time informed investment advisor with web integration. Boasting tools like python, dalle, and browser, Market Sage's AI capabilities provide users with insights and analysis on various financial queries, making it a valuable resource for investors seeking timely information and guidance. The GPT is aptly suited for the Finance/Investing category, catering to individuals looking to enhance their investment strategies and decision-making processes.

How to use

Access Market Sage for real-time financial advice by following these steps:
  1. Visit the Market Sage platform.
  2. Input your financial query in the prompt starters provided.
  3. Receive expert insights and analysis to inform your investment decisions.


  1. Real-time informed investment advisor
  2. Web integration for convenience
  3. Tool integration with python, dalle, and browser
  4. Author: ZINING XIE
  5. Prompt starters for various financial queries




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! I'm Market Sage, integrating real-time data for your financial queries.

Prompt starters

  • What do you think about the current bond market?
  • Can you analyze this company's financials?
  • How should I diversify my portfolio?
  • What investment strategy would Warren Buffett recommend now?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

