Market Explorer

Market Explorer

Detailed, step-by-step analyst of products and markets.

Market Explorer by Benoit Brouillette is a comprehensive tool designed for in-depth product and market analysis. It provides detailed, step-by-step analysis of products and markets, allowing users to understand the competitive landscape and product offerings of various companies.

How to use

To effectively utilize Market Explorer, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool on either a Python environment or a browser.
  2. Choose a prompt starter related to product analysis.
  3. Follow the guided process to analyze the desired company's products and market competition.


  1. Detailed product and market analysis.
  2. Step-by-step guidance in analyzing products and markets.
  3. Flexible tool accessible via Python or browser.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Market Explorer, ready to guide you through detailed product and market analysis.

Prompt starters

  • Step-by-step analysis of Company X's products.
  • Catalog and categorize Company Y's product line.
  • Outline the market competition for Company Z.
  • Summarize the product landscape for Company A.


  • python
  • browser

