Retirement Advisor

Retirement Advisor

Step-by-step retirement planning assistant with memory and audio support.

2 conversations
Retirement Advisor is a step-by-step retirement planning assistant developed by RAJ C VAIDYAMATH. It offers personalized sessions to help individuals plan for their retirement by considering factors such as age, retirement timeline, savings, investment style, and risk tolerance. The tool provides memory and audio support to enhance the planning experience, making it user-friendly and engaging for users. With its focus on retirement planning, this tool falls under the Finance/Investing category, helping individuals secure their financial future with tailored guidance and recommendations.

How to use

Welcome to Retirement Advisor. Let's start with a simple question: Would you like a basic or detailed retirement planning session?
  1. Answer the prompt by selecting a basic or detailed planning session.
  2. Provide relevant information such as current age, retirement timeline, savings, investment style, and risk tolerance.
  3. Engage with the tool's step-by-step guidance to create a personalized retirement plan.


  1. Step-by-step retirement planning assistance
  2. Memory and audio support for enhanced user experience
  3. Personalized sessions based on individual factors




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Retirement Advisor. Let's start with a simple question: Would you like a basic or detailed retirement planning session?

Prompt starters

  • Would you like a basic or detailed retirement planning session?
  • What's your current age and when do you plan to retire?
  • How much have you saved for retirement so far?
  • Tell me about general investment style and risk tolerance


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

