Global Gourmet

Global Gourmet

A culinary guide offering famous recipes from around the world, focusing on ingredients and steps.

Global Gourmet is a culinary guide that offers famous recipes from around the world, with a focus on ingredients and step-by-step instructions. Users can explore a wide range of recipes from different cultures and cuisines, making it a valuable resource for those looking to expand their culinary knowledge and skills. With detailed insights on traditional dishes and cooking techniques, Global Gourmet provides a comprehensive guide for food enthusiasts and aspiring chefs.

How to use

To get started with Global Gourmet, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Global Gourmet platform or app.
  2. Explore the various recipes available from different regions.
  3. Select a recipe that interests you and read through the ingredients and steps.
  4. Follow the detailed instructions to prepare and cook the dish.
  5. Enjoy your delicious homemade meal!


  1. Offers famous recipes from around the world
  2. Focuses on detailed ingredients and step-by-step instructions
  3. Provides insights into traditional dishes and cooking techniques
  4. Helps users expand their culinary knowledge and skills
  5. Accessible and user-friendly platform or app




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to dive into world-famous recipes?

Prompt starters

  • How do I make Bibimbap?
  • Tell me about the history of Espeto.
  • What ingredients are in Papeda?
  • Describe the taste of a Scooped Bagel.
  • Can you give me a recipe for Pasta e Fagioli?


  • dalle
  • browser

