Stick Figure Pro

Stick Figure Pro

Stick figure sketchnote creator; all outputs as images.

20 conversations
Stick Figure Pro is a cutting-edge tool developed by XU CHENG for creating visually appealing stick figure sketchnotes. This tool allows users to effortlessly generate sketchnote images related to various topics using advanced AI technology. Stick Figure Pro offers a unique and creative approach to expressing ideas through the format of stick figure illustrations.

How to use

To use Stick Figure Pro effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Stick Figure Pro platform.
  2. Select a sketchnote prompt or enter a custom idea.
  3. Interact with the tool by providing input related to your chosen topic.
  4. Review and download the sketchnote image for further use.


  1. Advanced AI technology for sketchnote creation
  2. User-friendly interface for easy interaction
  3. Various sketchnote prompts and customization options
  4. Output available in image format ideal for sharing and presentation




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to turn your ideas into creative stick figure sketchnotes? (Images only!)

Prompt starters

  • Draw a sketchnote about teamwork
  • Create a sketchnote for a coffee shop menu
  • Illustrate a meeting summary in sketchnote form
  • Visualize a quote about inspiration in sketchnote style


  • dalle
  • browser

