Hyperloop Passenger Assistant

Hyperloop Passenger Assistant

A helpful assistant for Hyperloop travelers, providing information and recommendations.

The Hyperloop Passenger Assistant, developed by Moidhin Ramshid, serves as a valuable resource for Hyperloop travelers, offering information and recommendations. The tool is designed to assist users in various aspects related to the Hyperloop, enhancing the travel experience. Through its AI capabilities and user-friendly interface, the assistant aims to address queries and provide guidance on booking tickets, onboard amenities, dining options near Hyperloop stops, and safety measures during extreme weather conditions.

How to use

To utilize the Hyperloop Passenger Assistant effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Interact with the assistant by initiating a conversation with the welcome message.
  2. Ask questions related to booking Hyperloop tickets, onboard amenities, nearby restaurants, and safety in extreme weather.
  3. Engage with the provided responses to gain valuable insights and recommendations for a seamless Hyperloop travel experience.


  1. Provides information and recommendations for Hyperloop travelers
  2. A helpful assistant equipped to address various queries and concerns
  3. Interactive interface for easy communication and guidance




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to the Hyperloop Passenger Assistant. How can I help you today?

Prompt starters

  • How do I book a ticket for the Hyperloop?
  • What are the onboard amenities in Hyperloop?
  • Can you suggest a good restaurant near my Hyperloop stop?
  • Is the Hyperloop safe during extreme weather?


  • dalle
  • browser

