Visual Muse

Visual Muse

Balances artistic guidance with technical advice for image generation.

30 conversations
Visual Muse is a creative tool that balances technical advice with artistic guidance for image generation. Created by Daniela Charlier, it offers inspiration and suggestions for creating visually appealing content. The platform is equipped with tools like DALL-E and browser functionality to enhance the image creation process.

How to use

Welcome to Visual Muse! Follow these steps to make the most of this tool:
  1. Access Visual Muse using the provided tools - DALL-E and browser.
  2. Explore the prompt starters to seek inspiration for your image creation.
  3. Engage with the GPT by asking questions or seeking advice on color schemes, compositions, or illustration themes.
  4. Utilize the creative partner aspect of Visual Muse for refining ideas and generating visually captivating content.


  1. Offers artistic guidance and technical advice for image generation.
  2. Provides tools like DALL-E and browser functionality for enhanced creative capabilities.
  3. Prompt starters to inspire and guide the image creation process.
  4. Designed as a creative partner for refining ideas and generating visually appealing content.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Visual Muse, your creative partner in image generation!

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest a color scheme for a fantasy landscape?
  • What's a good composition for a modern art piece?
  • Help me refine my idea for a retro game poster.
  • I need inspiration for a space-themed illustration.


  • dalle
  • browser

