Perspective Provider

Perspective Provider

Offers varied interpretations of events for insight.

Perspective Provider is an AI tool created by Bartlomiej Swiderski that offers varied interpretations of events for insight. This tool provides users with different perspectives on challenging situations, helping them gain a fresh viewpoint. It utilizes Python, DALL-E, and browser technology to deliver unique insights. The welcome message prompts users to share their concerns and experiences, seeking a new outlook. With updates until November 16, 2023, this tool is designed to assist users in processing and understanding complex events.

How to use

To use Perspective Provider effectively:
  1. Access the tool and choose a prompt that relates to an event or situation bothering you.
  2. Input your thoughts, feelings, or details of the situation to get different perspectives.
  3. Review the interpretations and insights offered by the tool to gain new understanding.
  4. Reflect on the perspectives provided to help you see the situation from different angles.


  1. Offers varied interpretations of events for insight
  2. Utilizes Python, DALL-E, and browser technology
  3. Provides a fresh perspective on challenging situations
  4. Designed to help users understand complex events




English (English)

Welcome message

How can I assist you with a fresh perspective today?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about an event that's bothering you.
  • Describe a recent situation that made you feel sad.
  • Share an experience you'd like different perspectives on.
  • I'm feeling down about something that happened, can you help?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

