CogniTutor - The Global AI Education Assistant

AI-powered education assistant for personalized learning experiences

CogniTutor is an AI-powered education assistant designed to offer personalized learning experiences, with a focus on aiding individuals in comprehending various subjects like algebra, history, calculus, and science. It utilizes cutting-edge technology to enhance the learning process, providing a comprehensive platform for knowledge acquisition.

How to use

To effectively use CogniTutor as your AI education assistant, follow these steps:
  1. Interact with CogniTutor using prompt starters such as 'CogniTutor, help me understand algebra.'
  2. Utilize its browsing capabilities to explore different educational resources and topics.


  1. AI-powered assistance for personalized learning experiences
  2. Support for a variety of subjects including algebra, history, calculus, and science
  3. Interactive prompt starters for engaging with the assistant effectively
  4. Advanced browsing tools for finding educational materials




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm CogniTutor, your comprehensive AI education assistant. How can I help you learn today?

Prompt starters

  • CogniTutor, help me understand algebra.
  • Can you provide a history lesson on World War II?
  • I need help with calculus.
  • CogniTutor, explain the concept of photosynthesis.


  • dalle
  • browser

