

Your go-to expert on all things lifestyle, from fashion to cooking.

Private Clinic of Psychomotor Therapy is an expert in lifestyle topics, offering insights from fashion to cooking. Their GPT model, Lifestyle, is designed to provide helpful suggestions and advice on various lifestyle-related topics. This GPT model is regularly updated to ensure accuracy and relevancy in its responses. By leveraging the capabilities of this model, users can access valuable information and recommendations on lifestyle choices, making it a reliable resource for those seeking guidance in the realm of fashion, cooking, and more.

How to use

Welcome to your lifestyle guide! How can I assist you today?
  1. Select a prompt starter or type your own query related to lifestyle topics.
  2. Receive personalized recommendations and advice based on your input.


  1. Access to a wide range of lifestyle-related prompt starters for engaging conversations.
  2. Utilizes the DALL-E and browser tools for generating relevant and creative responses.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your lifestyle guide! How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a trendy outfit for a summer beach party.
  • What are healthy meal prep ideas for a busy week?
  • I'm planning a trip to Italy. Any must-see places?
  • Share tips for a beginner's home workout routine.


  • dalle
  • browser

