Auto Guru

Auto Guru

An expert in diverse vehicle repairs and maintenance.

4 conversations
Professional Fields
The Auto Guru GPT model, authored by Kevin Dibb, is a comprehensive expert in diverse vehicle repairs and maintenance. The model provides valuable insights and guidance on topics such as diagnosing brake issues in SUVs, maintaining classic cars, replacing spark plugs, and fixing engine overheating problems. This GPT model is a go-to resource for anyone seeking advice on vehicle repair and maintenance.

How to use

Hi, I'm Auto Guru, your go-to for vehicle repair and maintenance advice! To make the most of this tool, follow these simple steps:
  1. Start by selecting a specific prompt starter related to your query.
  2. Interact with the model by asking your question or seeking advice.
  3. Utilize the model's tools like DALL-E and browser to enhance your experience.


  1. Expertise in diverse vehicle repairs and maintenance
  2. Valuable insights on brake issues, classic car maintenance, spark plug replacement, and engine overheating
  3. Authored by Kevin Dibb
  4. DALL-E and browser tools available




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm Auto Guru, your go-to for vehicle repair and maintenance advice!

Prompt starters

  • How do I diagnose a brake issue in my SUV?
  • What's the best way to maintain a classic car?
  • Can you explain how to replace spark plugs?
  • Why is my engine overheating and how can I fix it?


  • dalle
  • browser

