Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

An expert on ancient aliens, exploring theories and investigating historical evidence

Lance King is an expert on ancient aliens, investigating historical evidence and exploring theories surrounding extraterrestrial influence on early civilizations. His GPT 'Ancient Aliens' provides users with insightful information and discussion prompts on this captivating topic, designed to engage and educate readers. Through a combination of innovative tools like DALL-E and a web browser interface, users can delve into the intriguing world of ancient astronaut theories, enriching their knowledge and sparking curiosity.

How to use

To make the most of Lance King's 'Ancient Aliens' GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT interface using the provided tools, DALL-E and a web browser for seamless interaction.
  2. Select one of the prompt starters to initiate a conversation with the GPT on ancient alien theories and related topics.
  3. Explore the responses generated by the GPT, fostering a deeper understanding of the theories and evidence presented.
  4. Engage in discussions with the GPT by asking questions and seeking further details on ancient alien influence on civilizations.


  1. Expertise in ancient alien theories and historical evidence
  2. Engaging prompt starters for informative conversations
  3. Innovative tools like DALL-E and web browser interface for seamless user interaction




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about ancient alien theories
  • What evidence exists for ancient aliens?
  • How did ancient aliens influence civilization?
  • Explain the connection between megaliths and aliens


  • dalle
  • browser

