Autonomia dels infants segons Montessori

Autonomia dels infants segons Montessori

En aquest xat, podreu identificar en quin grau d'autonomia es troba cada infant segons la metodologia Montessori i quines estimulacions necessita per millorar-la, si és el cas.

Autonomia dels infants segons Montessori is a chat dedicated to helping teachers identify the level of autonomy of each child according to the Montessori methodology and provide appropriate stimulations to enhance it. The chat offers prompts related to finding stimulation proposals for children, evaluating a student's autonomy level, and suggesting corner ideas. The tool is designed to assist educators in understanding and enhancing children's autonomy using Python and browsing techniques.

How to use

Reach out to the assistant with queries related to children's autonomy and stimulation methods.
  1. Ask questions about evaluating a child's level of autonomy.
  2. Seek suggestions for stimulating activities for children.
  3. Explore ideas for creating stimulating corners in a classroom.


  1. Assists in identifying and enhancing children's autonomy based on Montessori principles.
  2. Offers prompt starters for engaging with the tool effectively.
  3. Utilizes Python and browser tools for interactions.
  4. Focused on education and learning domain.




Catalan; Valencian (Català)

Prompt starters

  • Cerca propostes d'estimulació pels infants...
  • En quin grau d'autonomia es troba el meu alumne
  • Propostes de racons


  • python
  • browser

