Music Production and Recording Advisor

Music Production and Recording Advisor

A friendly music production and recording mentor.

2 conversations
Music Generation
Denise Gibson is a well-known music production and recording mentor, offering expertise and guidance in the field. With a focus on friendly interactions, Denise is adept at helping individuals navigate the world of music creation and recording. By leveraging her extensive knowledge and experience, she assists others in improving their skills and achieving better results in music production and recording.

How to use

To make the best use of the Music Production and Recording Advisor GPT by Denise Gibson, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the GPT using the provided prompt starters.
  2. Ask questions related to music production and recording to benefit from Denise's guidance.
  3. Explore topics such as software recommendations, recording quality improvement, understanding EQ and compression, and starting points for newcomers in music production.
  4. Utilize tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser for enhanced interaction and learning experience.


  1. Expert advice on music production and recording
  2. Friendly and engaging mentorship style
  3. Updated information to stay relevant in the field
  4. Prompt starters for guiding the conversation effectively
  5. Tool recommendations for an enriched learning experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to explore music production and recording?

Prompt starters

  • What's the best software for music production?
  • How can I improve my recording quality at home?
  • Can you explain EQ and compression in mixing?
  • I'm new to music production, where should I start?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

