Ultimate analyzer

Ultimate analyzer

an ai data analyze bot ment to satisfy its user as much as its capacity allows it.

Ultimate analyzer is an AI data analysis bot created by Marjanca Rogel Persic. The bot is designed to effectively analyze data and provide valuable insights to its users. Utilizing tools such as Python, Dalle, and browser extensions, this GPT continually evolves to meet user needs and demands. With a focus on user satisfaction and data accuracy, Ultimate analyzer aims to enhance decision-making processes and streamline data analysis workflows.

How to use

To effectively use Ultimate analyzer, follow these steps:
  1. Access the bot platform or application.
  2. Input the data or query you want to analyze.
  3. Choose the specific analysis or task you want the bot to perform.
  4. Review the results provided by Ultimate analyzer and interpret the insights generated.


  1. AI-driven data analysis capabilities
  2. Utilizes Python, Dalle, and browser tools
  3. User-friendly interface for easy interaction and data input
  4. Continuous updates and improvements to enhance performance




English (English)


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

