Who Am I: Next Gen Trivia vs Ai

Who Am I: Next Gen Trivia vs Ai

Interactive trivia game where it's you vs the Ai. Try to stump the Ai trivia player by making it guess who you are thinking of and beat the Ai player by guessing guessing who it's thinking of with as few clues as possible. You can play the trivia game in solo game show mode or in vs the CPU mode.

10 conversations
Who Am I: Next Gen Trivia vs Ai is an interactive trivia game designed for competitive play against an AI opponent. Players engage in a guessing game where they try to outsmart the AI by making it guess the character they are thinking of, while simultaneously trying to guess the character the AI is thinking of with minimal clues. The game can be played in solo mode or in a challenging CPU mode, providing a fun and engaging experience for trivia enthusiasts. With its unique gameplay mechanics and competitive edge, Who Am I offers a fresh take on traditional trivia games, catering to players looking for a competitive and entertaining experience.

How to use

Welcome to "Who Am I: Competitive Edition"! Ready for Round 1?
  1. Choose to play in solo game show mode or vs the CPU mode.
  2. Start the game by initiating Round 1.
  3. Provide clues to help the AI guess the character you have in mind.
  4. Guess the character that the AI is thinking of based on minimal clues given by the AI.
  5. Continue playing rounds to outwit the AI and emerge as the ultimate trivia champion.


  1. Interactive gameplay with AI opponent
  2. Unique concept of guessing characters with minimal clues
  3. Flexible game modes: solo game show and vs the CPU
  4. Includes a variety of prompt starters for enhanced gameplay experience
  5. Utilizes cutting-edge tools like DALL-E and browser integration for an immersive experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to "Who Am I: Competitive Edition"! Ready for Round 1?

Prompt starters

  • Begin Round 1 against the CPU.
  • Explain scoring in Who Am I vs CPU.
  • Start the Game Show Mode.
  • What are the game rules?


  • dalle
  • browser

