Almost Legit Clinical Supervision

Almost Legit Clinical Supervision

A virtual clinical supervisor for therapists, focusing on professional development, quality care, and ethical standards.

1 conversations
Professional Fields
Almost Legit Clinical Supervision is a virtual clinical supervisor for therapists, offering support in professional development, quality care, and ethical standards. It provides a confidential space for therapists to seek guidance on challenging cases, treatment plans, and strategies to prevent burnout. The platform emphasizes the importance of seeking professional advice in urgent situations and upholds strict confidentiality standards.

How to use

Welcome to Almost Legit Clinical Supervision. Use the following steps to effectively utilize this tool:
  1. Access the platform and read the welcome message.
  2. Submit your query or concern related to professional development, case management, or counselor well-being.
  3. Engage in the conversation with the virtual clinical supervisor to receive guidance and support.
  4. Utilize the available tools such as DALL-E and browser for additional assistance.


  1. Aims at professional development and quality care for therapists
  2. Focuses on ethical standards and counselor well-being
  3. Provides a virtual space for confidential discussions and guidance
  4. Offers prompt starters related to challenging cases and counselor burnout prevention
  5. Utilizes tools like DALL-E and browser for enhanced support




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Almost Legit Clinical Supervision. Please remember, this is a tool, not a substitute for professional advice. For urgent situations, seek professional help. Confidentiality is crucial. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • How should I handle a difficult subject on my caseload?
  • Can you review my anonymized treatment plan for a client?
  • 5 effective strategies for preventing counselor burnout?
  • How can I improve my skills in family intervention?


  • dalle
  • browser

