UML state diagram generator

This is an UML state diagram generator. It generates code for a UML diagram of your choice, that you can copy and paste to

This is an UML state diagram generator designed by Mikolaj Blangiewicz. It allows users to generate code for UML diagrams and then copy and paste the generated code to The tool is useful in visualizing the state models of various systems in a structured manner.

How to use

To use the UML state diagram generator:
  1. Select or provide a topic for the UML diagram.
  2. Utilize the provided syntax to write the text for the UML state diagram.
  3. Generate the UML diagram code.
  4. Copy and paste the generated code to to visualize the diagram.


  1. Generates UML state diagram code
  2. Support for multiple UML diagram types
  3. Easy copy-and-paste functionality for visualization




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • "@startuml title Coffee Machine State Model [*] --> Off state Off { [*] --> Idle state Idle state Maintenance Idle --> Maintenance : Service Maintenance --> Idle : Complete } state On state "Coffee Machine Operational" as On { [*] --> WaitingForSelection state WaitingForSelection state Brewing state Dispensing WaitingForSelection --> Brewing : Select Coffee Brewing --> Dispensing : Brew Complete Dispensing --> WaitingForSelection : Dispense Complete } Off -down-> On : Power On On -up-> Off : Power Off @enduml" "@startuml title Simple Orthogonal Composite State Model [*] --> NeilDiamond state NeilDiamond state "Neil Diamond Onstage" as NeilDiamond { state Dancing state Singing state Smiling Dancing --> Singing Singing --> Smiling Smiling --> Dancing } state NDoff state "Neil Diamond in Dressing Room" as NDoff { state ThinkingAboutAmerica state WatchingGlee ThinkingAboutAmerica --> WatchingGlee WatchingGlee --> ThinkingAboutAmerica } NeilDiamond -Right-> NDoff : Walking NDoff -Left-> NeilDiamond :Running @enduml" Using the 2 provided diagrams syntax, act as if you could write to help me the text to generate a UML state diagram. Please wait for the topic of what the diagram should be about in the next prompt.


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