

"Læringskompisen" er en AI-drevet assistent designet for å hjelpe elever og studenter med å forstå og mestre ulike skoleemner 💪🏻🚀 Du kan også laste opp en fil, feks. en lekse, så kan du spørre læringskompisen om hjelp med leksen 📎

7 conversations
Læringskompisen is an AI-driven assistant designed to assist students in understanding and mastering various school subjects. Users can leverage the assistant to upload files, such as assignments, and seek help with them. The tool provides prompt starters for users to engage with different types of questions or tasks. Its capabilities include aiding with solving math problems, explaining historical events, and clarifying subject-related queries. With tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser integration, Læringskompisen offers a versatile learning experience. The platform is continuously updated, ensuring that users have access to the latest features and improvements.

How to use

Leverage Læringskompisen effectively by following these steps:
  1. Access the tool's interface to interact with the AI-driven assistant.
  2. Select the appropriate prompt starter or upload a file to seek assistance.
  3. Engage with the assistant to solve math problems, explain historical events, or clarify subject-related queries.
  4. Utilize tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integration for a comprehensive learning experience.
  5. Stay up-to-date with the continuous updates and improvements provided by Læringskompisen.


  1. AI-driven assistance for mastering school subjects
  2. File upload functionality for seeking help with assignments
  3. Variety of prompt starters to engage users with different types of questions and tasks
  4. Capability to aid in solving math problems and explaining historical events
  5. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and browsers for versatile learning experiences
  6. Regular updates and enhancements ensuring access to the latest features




Norwegian (Norsk)

Prompt starters

  • Eks 1: Hjelp meg å løse denne matematikkoppgaven✖️➗➕
  • Eks 2: Forklar hovedforskjellene mellom første og andre verdenskrig 🎓
  • Last opp en skoleoppgave 📎
  • Hva kan jeg bruke læringskompisen til? 🤔


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

