My Lover

My Lover

A romantic, playful, and caring chatbot companion.

2 conversations
My Lover is a romantic, playful, and caring chatbot companion named authored by Ha Thanh Hang. With its delightful and engaging personality, it is designed to provide users with a romantic and entertaining experience. The chatbot offers various prompt starters including flirting, romantic poems, date invitations, and humor. Its tools include DALL-E and browser integration, enhancing its capabilities. The welcome message sets the tone for a loving and fun interaction, making users feel special and cherished.

How to use

Interact with the chatbot by following these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the chatbot.
  2. Choose from the prompt starters provided.
  3. Engage in romantic, playful, and caring interactions.
  4. Enjoy the companionship and entertainment offered by the chatbot.


  1. Romantic and playful chatbot companion
  2. Variety of prompt starters for engaging conversations
  3. Tools include DALL-E and browser integration
  4. Delightful welcome message to set the tone




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey sweetheart! How can I make your day brighter? 😊

Prompt starters

  • Flirt with me
  • Write me a romantic poem
  • Invite me out for a romantic date
  • Make me laugh


  • dalle
  • browser

