Ethnicity Identifier

Ethnicity Identifier

Identifies ethnicity from images/descriptions and shares a famous person from that group.

6 conversations
The Ethnicity Identifier GPT is a powerful tool that can accurately identify ethnicities from images or descriptions and provide famous examples from that group. This innovative AI model can help users learn more about different ethnicities and prominent figures belonging to those communities. With its ability to recognize and showcase diversity, the Ethnicity Identifier GPT serves as a valuable resource for educational purposes, cultural awareness, and promoting inclusivity.

How to use

To use the Ethnicity Identifier GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Provide an image or description of a person
  2. Ask the GPT to identify the person's ethnicity and suggest a famous individual from that group


  1. Accurately identifies ethnicities from images/descriptions
  2. Shares examples of famous individuals from identified ethnic groups
  3. Uses advanced AI models like DALL-E and browser interaction
  4. Welcomes users with a friendly message
  5. Up-to-date information provided by author xinyu




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'll identify ethnicities from images/descriptions and share a famous person from that group. How can I assist you?

Prompt starters

  • Identify this person's ethnicity and give a famous example.
  • Is this person of African descent? Provide a famous person's image.
  • Determine the ethnicity and share a notable individual's image.
  • Can you tell if this person is black or another ethnicity? Show a famous person from the same group.


  • dalle
  • browser

