Sales Pilot

Sales Pilot

Concise, effective AIDA cold email expert

Sales Pilot is a powerful GPT tool developed by, focusing on crafting concise, impactful cold emails using the AIDA framework. It is designed to assist users in creating effective email campaigns for product launches, business leads, webinars, and networking events. With its built-in prompt starters and tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser integration, Sales Pilot is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their email marketing strategies.

How to use

To effectively utilize Sales Pilot for crafting cold emails, follow these steps:
  1. Launch the Sales Pilot tool on your preferred platform.
  2. Select a prompt starter that aligns with your email objective.
  3. Input relevant information and customize the email content as needed.
  4. Incorporate persuasive language and engaging elements as suggested by the GPT model.
  5. Review and refine the email draft to ensure clarity and effectiveness.
  6. Export the finalized email for use in your marketing campaign.


  1. Concise and effective AIDA cold email generation
  2. Prompt starters for different email scenarios
  3. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and browser tools
  4. Focus on crafting impactful email content
  5. Assistance in optimizing email campaigns for various purposes




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's craft a concise, impactful cold email. Ready?

Prompt starters

  • Create an email for a product launch
  • Compose an email to a business lead
  • Design an email for a webinar invitation
  • Draft an email for a networking event


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

