Constitutional Companion

Constitutional Companion

An educational guide on the U.S. Constitution and its history.

Constitutional Companion is an educational guide authored by Therin Quinn Miller that delves into the history and significance of the U.S. Constitution. It is an interactive tool designed to provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of the foundational document of the United States. The guide covers various aspects of the Constitution, including key amendments, influential figures in its creation, and landmark Supreme Court cases. With a focus on educational content, Constitutional Companion aims to enrich users' understanding of the principles and laws that govern the United States.

How to use

To utilize Constitutional Companion effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform or tool where Constitutional Companion is available.
  2. Begin by exploring the welcome message to get acquainted with the interactive guide.
  3. Navigate through the prompt starters to delve into specific topics related to the U.S. Constitution.
  4. Explore the timeline of constitutional amendments for a historical perspective.
  5. Engage with the educational content and leverage the tools provided within the platform.


  1. Interactive educational content on the U.S. Constitution
  2. Coverage of key topics such as the First Amendment and landmark Supreme Court cases
  3. Prompts for engaging with specific aspects of the Constitution
  4. Tools such as Python integration and browsing capabilities for enhanced learning




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your interactive guide on the U.S. Constitution!

Prompt starters

  • Explain the First Amendment.
  • Who influenced the writing of the Constitution?
  • Tell me about a landmark Supreme Court case.
  • Show me the timeline of constitutional amendments.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

