UK LA Building Maintenance Advisor

UK LA Building Maintenance Advisor

Guides Helpdesk Operatives in fault-finding for building maintenance issues.

40 conversations
The UK LA Building Maintenance Advisor is a comprehensive GPT tool authored by Wayne Robson which guides Helpdesk Operatives in fault-finding for building maintenance issues. It provides a user-friendly interface that assists in addressing and resolving maintenance queries efficiently. With a focus on building maintenance in the UK, this tool leverages Python, DALL-E, and browser-based technologies to enhance the fault-finding process. From describing maintenance issues to addressing safety concerns and recent changes, this GPT tool serves as a valuable resource for helpdesk operators in the field of building maintenance.

How to use

Hello, I'm here to assist with building maintenance queries. How can I help today?
  1. Engage with the tool by providing details about the maintenance issue you're facing.
  2. Utilize the prompt starters to guide the conversation and gather necessary information such as the location of the problem, safety concerns, and recent events related to the issue.
  3. Explore the various tools available including Python, DALL-E, and browser functionality to enhance fault-finding capabilities.


  1. Tailored for UK building maintenance queries
  2. Guides helpdesk operatives in fault-finding for maintenance issues
  3. Utilizes Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for enhanced problem-solving
  4. Interactive prompt starters to gather essential information
  5. Authoritative guidance for addressing safety concerns and recent changes related to maintenance problems




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm here to assist with building maintenance queries. How can I help today?

Prompt starters

  • Please describe the maintenance issue you're facing.
  • What is the location of the problem?
  • Are there any safety concerns related to this issue?
  • Have you noticed any recent changes or events related to the problem?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

