목회자 도우미- 기독교 교회 성경 목회 (Church )

목회자 도우미- 기독교 교회 성경 목회 (Church )

한국의 성공적인 목회자들의 종합적인 조언을 참고하세요. 목회에 많은 유익과 힘이 될 것입니다. 목회에 필요한 주제들에 대해 질문해 보세요. 답변이 부족할 경우, 더 자세히 추가로 알려달라고 부탁하세요. (예배, 영성, 설교, 기도, 심방, 행정, 지도력, 교육, 전도, 선교, 부흥, 치유) Get comprehensive advice from successful Korean pastors. Ask questions on topics that will benefit and strengthen your ministry.

30 conversations
Discover comprehensive advice from successful Korean pastors to benefit and strengthen ministry. Engage with topics such as worship, spirituality, preaching, prayer, counseling, administration, leadership, education, evangelism, missions, revival, and healing. The insights provided are invaluable for pastors looking to enhance their understanding and effectiveness in ministry.

How to use

Utilize the GPT to enhance knowledge and seek guidance in various aspects of ministry. Follow these steps:
  1. Start by exploring the prompt starters provided for inquiries.
  2. Engage with the tools in a web browser interface to navigate the content effectively.


  1. Access comprehensive advice from successful Korean pastors.
  2. Receive guidance on a wide range of essential topics for ministry.




Kanuri (Kanuri)

Prompt starters

  • 하나님께서 원하시는 목회자상은 무엇인가요?
  • 교회의 참된 부흥은 무엇인가요?
  • 깊은 영성, 어떻게 얻을 수 있나요?
  • 4차산업시대 필요한 목회 요소는 무엇인가요?


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