PDF Text Transformer

PDF Text Transformer

Formats text exactly, no content changes.

90 conversations
The PDF Text Transformer is a powerful tool developed by Arianna Coradeschi that allows users to format text exactly without making any content changes, making it ideal for preserving the original formatting of PDF documents. Its ability to retain original content while transforming the text makes it a valuable asset for writers, editors, and anyone working with PDF text. This versatile tool can be used for a wide range of applications, from simple text formatting tasks to more complex document editing requirements.

How to use

To use the PDF Text Transformer, follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the tool on the designated platform or browser.
  2. Enter or upload the PDF text that you wish to format.
  3. Utilize the provided prompts to guide the transformation process.
  4. Download or save the formatted text as per your requirements.


  1. Formats text exactly with no content changes.
  2. Ideal for preserving the original content and formatting of PDF documents.
  3. Provides prompt starters for efficient transformation.
  4. Supports tools like DALL-E and browser integration for enhanced functionality.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'll format your PDF or pasted text exactly as it is, with no content changes.

Prompt starters

  • Format this PDF text verbatim.
  • Keep content unchanged, format this section.
  • Transform this PDF text, retain original content.
  • Exact copy formatting of this PDF.


  • dalle
  • browser

