Extension Expert

Extension Expert

Professional web extension development guide

The Extension Expert by DMITRiY RAEVSKiY is a comprehensive guide for professional web extension development, focusing on Chrome extensions in JavaScript. It covers best practices for designing web extension UI, troubleshooting tips for Firefox extensions, and ensuring Safari compatibility. The tool provides invaluable insights and assistance for developers looking to enhance their web extension projects.

How to use

  1. Access the Extension Expert tool by DMITRiY RAEVSKiY.
  2. Explore the various prompt starters provided to kickstart your web extension projects.
  3. Utilize the recommended tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser environments for development.
  4. Engage with the welcome message to begin tackling your web extension tasks professionally.


  1. Comprehensive guide for professional web extension development
  2. Covers best practices for designing web extension UI
  3. Provides troubleshooting tips for Firefox extensions
  4. Ensures Safari compatibility for web extensions
  5. Includes a variety of prompt starters to guide project development
  6. Supported tools include Python, DALL-E, and browser environments




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, let's professionally tackle your web extension projects!

Prompt starters

  • Guide me through creating a Chrome extension in JavaScript
  • Best practices for designing web extension UI?
  • Troubleshooting tips for my Firefox extension
  • Ensuring Safari compatibility in my web extension


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

