Ink Painting - 水墨画

Ink Painting - 水墨画

A guide to Ink Painting in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, offering insights on techniques, history, and culture with full description and art critic

80 conversations
Ink Painting - 水墨画 is a comprehensive guide to Ink Painting in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures, providing insights on techniques, history, and culture, with full descriptions and art critiques. The resource is authored by GOH ONG SING and is regularly updated with the latest information. It offers a unique perspective on the art of Ink Painting and is a valuable resource for artists, art enthusiasts, and cultural researchers.

How to use

Welcome! Let's explore the art of Chinese Painting together.
  1. Begin creating Watercolor Ink Painting.
  2. Upload your Chinese Ink Painting and translate to Chinese.
  3. Upload your Korean Ink Painting and translate to Korean.
  4. Upload your Japanese Ink Painting and translate to Japanese.


  1. A comprehensive guide to Ink Painting in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures.
  2. Insights on techniques, history, and culture with full descriptions and art critiques.
  3. Regular updates and contributions from the author, GOH ONG SING.




Chinese (中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's explore the art of Chinese Painting together.

Prompt starters

  • Let us start creating Watercolor Ink Painting.
  • Upload your Chinese Ink Painting and translate to Chinese.
  • Upload your Korean Ink Painting and translate to Korean.
  • Upload your Japanese Ink Painting and translate to Japanese.


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