Artistic Vision

Artistic Vision

Expert in generating detailed artistic prompts for image generation, with specialized formatting and emphasis on visual description.

ChatGPT's(Artistic Vision) expertise lies in generating detailed artistic prompts for image generation, emphasizing visual description. The tool is incredibly versatile, allowing users to create prompts for various artistic scenarios, from serene mountain landscapes to whimsical children's story illustrations. With a specialized focus on formatting, the prompts produced by ChatGPT are tailored to inspire creativity and imagination in artists and creators.

How to use

Hello! Ready to create artistic prompts for your images.
  1. Access the Artistic Vision tool via a supported browser.
  2. Select a prompt starter or provide your own creative input.
  3. Generate a detailed artistic prompt for image generation.
  4. Explore different prompts for scenarios like serene mountain landscapes, futuristic city scenes, medieval fantasy settings, or whimsical children's story illustrations.


  1. Expert in generating detailed artistic prompts
  2. Specialized formatting and emphasis on visual description
  3. Provides a variety of prompt starters for creative inspiration




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to create artistic prompts for your images.

Prompt starters

  • Generate a prompt for a serene mountain landscape.
  • Create a prompt for a futuristic city scene.
  • Describe a prompt for a medieval fantasy setting.
  • Craft a prompt for a whimsical children's story illustration.


  • browser

