Tappstr Quiz Maker

Tappstr Quiz Maker

Create custom quizzes effortlessly with Quiz Maker, your go-to tool for personalized learning assessments and engaging quiz content.

2 conversations
Tappstr Quiz Maker is a versatile tool for creating personalized quizzes, suitable for educational purposes. With its browser-based platform, users can effortlessly generate engaging quiz content tailored to specific learning needs. The tool's prompt starters offer a range of quiz ideas, from testing European history knowledge to exploring popular 90s music. Its interface is user-friendly, making quiz creation accessible to a wide audience, including students and educators.

How to use

To utilize Tappstr Quiz Maker effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the browser-based platform provided by Tappstr Quiz Maker.
  2. Explore the various prompt starters to inspire quiz content creation.
  3. Customize the quiz according to specific learning objectives or entertainment purposes.
  4. Utilize a mix of question types, such as multiple choice and open-ended, to keep participants engaged.
  5. Review and test the quiz to ensure accuracy and effectiveness.
  6. Publish or share the quiz with the intended audience for interactive learning or entertainment experiences.


  1. Effortlessly create custom quizzes for personalized learning assessments.
  2. Generate a variety of quiz content, ranging from historical topics to music trivia.
  3. User-friendly browser-based tool for easy access and navigation.
  4. Ability to mix question types to enhance participant engagement.
  5. Flexible customization options to tailor quizzes to specific needs.
  6. Opportunity to publish and share quizzes with audiences for interactive experiences.




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • Generate a 10-question multiple-choice quiz about European history for high school students, focusing on the Renaissance period.
  • Create five true/false questions on basic physics principles for a college introductory course, including explanations for each answer
  • I need a fun, engaging quiz with 15 questions on popular 90s music for a pub quiz night. Mix multiple choice and open-ended questions.


  • browser

