Student Startups Guideline

This will help you to find potential business opportunities, how to build a business model, and how to conduct assumption test process

The Student Startups Guideline by Takeru Ohe provides valuable insights on finding potential business opportunities, building a business model, and conducting assumption testing. The guide is geared towards aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to start a business and become global players. With a focus on practical strategies and processes, this resource is essential for those looking to launch successful student startups.

How to use

  1. Access the Student Startups Guideline by Takeru Ohe
  2. Read through the detailed information on potential business opportunities, business model creation, and assumption testing
  3. Implement the strategies and processes outlined in the guide to kickstart your entrepreneurship journey


  1. Author: Takeru Ohe
  2. Tools: Python, DALL-E, Browser
  3. GPT Last Update Date: 2024-02-02 20:13:09
  4. Prompt Starters: ("Let us start a business and to be a global entrepreneur")




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Let us start a business and to be a global entrepreneur


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

