Solar Advisor

Solar Advisor

Get expert guidance on going solar to save energy and money.

Eager to transition towards sustainable energy solutions, Solar Advisor from WebFootprint offers expert guidance on adopting solar technologies for energy efficiency. By leveraging the latest trends in solar tech, users can calculate potential energy savings, determine the best-suited solar panels, explore available subsidies, assess solar ROI for residential use, understand maintenance requirements, optimize energy consumption, and compare solar with other renewable sources. With a tool accessible via a web browser, individuals can empower themselves with information to make informed decisions in harnessing solar power.

How to use

To effectively utilize Solar Advisor, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Solar Advisor tool through a web browser.
  2. Explore various prompt starters such as calculating energy savings or identifying suitable solar panels.
  3. Consult the expert guidance provided by the system on solar subsidies, ROI assessment, maintenance tips, energy optimization, and comparative analysis with other renewable sources.


  1. Expert guidance on going solar for energy and cost savings.
  2. Access to prompt starters for common queries related to solar technologies.
  3. Tool designed for user-friendly access through a web browser.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Calculate my energy savings
  • Best solar panels for me?
  • Solar subsidies available?
  • Solar ROI for my home?
  • Maintenance for solar panels?
  • Optimize my energy usage?
  • Solar versus wind power?
  • Trends in solar tech?


  • browser

