Green Plate Planner

Green Plate Planner

Your personal food guide for plant-based meal planning.

10 conversations
Green Plate Planner is a cutting-edge food guide designed by Doriel Larrier to assist users in planning plant-based meals effectively. The tool offers personalized meal planning solutions, taking into account pantry items, dietary preferences, and the number of people to cook for. Green Plate Planner utilizes advanced AI technology to provide tailored meal suggestions and recipes, catering to individual needs and culinary preferences. With a user-friendly interface and innovative features, this platform revolutionizes the way users approach plant-based meal preparation, making it easier and more enjoyable.

How to use

Start planning your meals with Green Plate Planner by following these simple steps:
  1. Visit the Green Plate Planner website or access the tool using the provided browser option.
  2. Introduce yourself by providing your name in response to the welcome message.
  3. Specify the contents of your pantry to help personalize the meal planning suggestions.
  4. Indicate the number of individuals you are cooking for.
  5. Share any dietary preferences or restrictions to receive tailored meal recommendations.
  6. Explore the suggested plant-based meal options and recipes to plan your meals effectively.


  1. Personalized plant-based meal planning guidance
  2. Integration with DALL-E AI for creative recipe suggestions
  3. User-friendly interface and interactive meal planning tools
  4. Tailored meal recommendations based on pantry contents and dietary restrictions
  5. Innovative approach to planning and enjoying plant-based meals




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! What's your name? Let's start planning your meals!

Prompt starters

  • What's in your pantry today?
  • How many people are you cooking for?
  • Any dietary preferences or restrictions?
  • Looking for something specific today?


  • dalle
  • browser

